
Highlife Outdoor Ministry

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Reach Out-Part 2

By Jeff Roman

As outdoorsman and outdoor enthusiast we spend a lot of time reaching out. We spend time reaching out to learn our outdoor activities better. We spend lots of time reading and researching to see how we can have a better hunt or a better fishing trip. We spend a lot of time reaching out to those who are more qualified than us in these fields and we try to learn from them. We spend time reaching out to our buddies, our pals, our friends, members of our clubs and organizations that we belong to, to learn how we can truly enjoy what we enjoy doing the most. Reaching out to see how we can get 100% out of the outdoors that we truly love. But as we are reaching out to learn the outdoors better let us not forget to reach out to where it really counts the most. Reaching out to our neighbors.

In 2 Corinthian‘s 9:6- The point is this, whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you so that all have sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work as it is written. 

God is asking us to help others. If you are a Christ follower at all you’ve heard this before. It is not about receiving it is about giving it is about reaching out and helping others. And this can be done in many ways. We are not talking just about opening your wallet and dishing out more money,we are talking about reaching out. It may be reaching out to those youth who are also trying to learn the outdoors and giving them a hand. Is about reaching out to those who are struggling spiritually and talking with them helping them get through a tough time. It could be family and friends who have health issues who need some extra help getting by day by day with chores and jobs. It also can be monetary, when we are blessed we need to pass those blessings on. There are a lot of people out there today who could use some help. Granted there are also a lot of people out there who don’t need help. They try to look like they do or just want to get by on the easy side. Remember, how they are sowing, and what their reward will be. So let us reach out and give a hand, especially during this Christmas season. But remember this through the next year. And when 2019 rolls around and see how we can help people all year long. 

James 2- if a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food and one of you says to them” go in peace and be warmed and filled” without giving them the things needed for the body what good is that? So also faith by itself if it does not have works is dead. 

So let’s go show the world what us Christian outdoorsman and women are made of. Let’s reach out. Let’s reach out to those in need and make a difference. A difference in somebody else’s life.

Have a blessed holiday season!

Remember the reason for the season!

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