Written By Jeff Roman
I have never been one to put much emphasis or thoughts into New Year’s resolutions. I really believe we need to be our best each and every day. Of course failing each and every day. Or at least most of the time it seems like. For myself anyway. In the outdoor world we’re looking at the coming year for all of the highlights, and the memories we can make. Making New Year’s resolutions that we are going to do better in our hobbies. Resolutions of practicing harder for tournaments. Or laying a better foundation for that hunting trip. A New Year’s resolution that if I work harder and smarter, adapt myself with better equipment that I will have a better year. And you don’t have to be an outdoorsman to have these kind of resolutions. That New Year’s resolution of stopping those bad habits of smoking or drinking or swearing or not being kind enough to those around us. Whatever those resolutions may be. I’m not saying resolutions aren’t good they are at times, especially if we live up to them. Someone asked me the other day what my resolution was for this year. I did come up with one. To finish the important things. So much of our lives are spent doing wasted energy absorbing non-meaning tasks. So I have to put my good foot forward and work on those things that mean something.
The first of those things is sharing the gospel. And it means sharing the gospel more. I want to share right now with you one thing that we all need to be doing more and maybe we can all make this part of our New Year’s resolutions.
That’s learning God‘s word. How can we know what God expects from us if we don’t know who God is. What are His attributes? What does He bring to us each and every day. What can we expect from Him and what does He expect from us?
It’s just like with your employer or your fishing partner unless you know them or the job requirements or the capabilities of your partner how can you get better at it?? Whether you are a consistent churchgoer or you are on the fence on whether there is a God or not how can you make any kind of a rational smart educated decision without knowing first the word. His word. So everybody’s resolution could be to get in God‘s word.
First, what would that take? Probably having a Bible in your hand. I ask people frequently if they own one. Those that don’t, I have one for them. But often times I get, yes I do, but I don’t have a clue where it’s at. I really should get that out and study it more. And I say “ Yes” you should. Let’s start off this new year right. Let’s get a Bible, let’s dive into it, let’s get to know His word. It’s not a twice a year church service. Or a weekly Sunday service. It’s sitting down each and every day reading, hearing, and listening for God‘s word. Every day God gives us a breath. That’s a blessing. Find out how many more blessings He has for us by getting into His word.
Happy New Years!!